Sunday, March 28, 2021

Are we Humans alone in the Universe?



Are we Humans alone in the Universe?


                        We human beings have been wondering for centuries – Do we have more of them like us? The centuries-old quest for other worlds like our Earth has been rejuvenated by the intense excitement and widespread interest surrounding the discovery of hundreds of planets orbiting other stars by NASA's discovery program; the Kepler telescope launched on 7 March 2009, 3:49 am. The Kepler telescope's sole purpose, which contained the most extensive primary mirrors back then and a 96 Megapixel camera, was to detect the stars and exoplanets (extrasolar planets) outside our solar system. As per current data (28 January 2021), a total of 530,536 stars and 4,341 exoplanets have been discovered!

Question:- Why are there so many stars than planets?

Well, I feel that since stars on an average have luminosity billion times greater than planets, gathering information about them from extremely far distances is much easier and can be found by direct (coronagraph) method. However, planets being extremely small in size and not having their own light could not be detected by direct methods. Thus, millions of exoplanets are unknown to us…



Here is one of the most famous quotes that Sir Isaac Newton told that I agree wholeheartedly –


                                  Before diving into the world full of amazing and unimaginable exoplanets, lets understand how exactly did we find about them in the first place. The Kepler telescope used the renowned Doppler's method (radial velocity method) to determine the terrestrial body's speed. The Transit method was used to detect exoplanets' presence, and we have also gathered information like their mass, radius, matter they are made up of, and much more things. In simple words, the Transit method makes use of the mini solar eclipse, i.e., when the exoplanets come right in front of their host stars from our point of view. In such a case, the star's luminosity reaching us dims for a certain amount of time. Wow! We found a planet! But… what if it was a comet or an asteroid? For the same reason, we check for the period after which we observe the same phenomena. Now one might think that what if multiple planets are orbiting the same star? The amount of light blocked by a certain planet is directly proportional to its size, so the percentage of light blocked is traced. This not only tells us about the number of planets but also the time period of each and measure of the semi major axis of the elliptical orbits using Kepler's third law which states that the square of time period is proportional to the cube of semi major axis of the orbit in which that planet is moving in. Even if we encounter two planets of same size in different orbits, as the distance from host star is different, the amount of light blocked will still not be the same.

Question to think: What if there are two planets of same size orbiting in the same radius and thereby having same time period? This can highly be misunderstood by a planet with greater speed!

Fact: The intensity with which light reduces during transit is extremely less. For Earth it is only 0.0084% of the total light of sun (You can get it by the ratio of planet area to that of the host star, for Earth, diameter of sun is approximately 108 times that of Earth).

So let us begin our journey through some of the most interesting and weird behaving exoplanets, that we might have just dreamt of  :-

                                                        HD 189733 b  –

This exoplanet has bluish colour similar to that of Earth. It was the first-time scientists had measured colour of a planet back in 2005. Whenever the planet went behind its host star, the blue spectrum radiation became lesser, the other colours remaining approximate the same. Whereas when it came back in our line of vision, again the blue spectrum of light increased. Why though? Does this tell that there could be life on it as well? Well, here comes the interesting part. The planet's blue colour doesn't come from water rather it comes from the silicate particles from the cloud condensed with the atmosphere's heat and pressure, which forms glass shards giving the blue tint. Not only that, the wind speed here is around 2km/sec! Well, that is around 6 times the speed of sound! Being very close to its host star HD 189733, its surface temperature is as high as 973 degree Celsius!


CoRoT 7b  –

 This exoplanet always has its one face facing towards its host star, and that's the reason, the probable temperature on its "day-face" is above 2,000 degrees, but minus 200 degrees on its night face! This is the reason why this planet rains rocks! Yeah, the magma erupted on the hotter side vaporizes (Corot 7b revolves around its host star only at a distance of 1.6 million miles, 22 times closer than Mercury orbits the sun) which condenses on the colder side. Thereby raining rocks.


55 Cancri e

55 Cancri e is a potentially carbon-rich planet, so high in temperature and pressure that its interior could contain a large amount of diamond. Some interesting facts about the planet are that the amount of diamond estimated is so high that its total price would be in nonillions at the current diamond prices. There is still debate about the atmosphere and rocky content on this planet as concrete information is not available due to its thick layered atmosphere.


TreS-2b – 

Cambridge, MA - Astronomers have discovered the darkest known exoplanet - a distant, Jupiter-sized gas giant known as TrES-2b. Their measurements show that TrES-2b reflects less than one percent of the sunlight falling on it, making it blacker than coal! Initially, scientists misunderstood it by a black hole, however, by further studying this body, it was realized that maybe due to high concentration of Sodium and Titanium oxides (eg. Ti3O5) which absorb most of the light, rarely the light escaped this exoplanet. Another theory stating that the absence of ammonia clouds needed for gas planets like TreS-2b to reflect light is the reason. Or… could it be some advanced technology of Aliens on that planet…


 It is the first planet discovered to have a retrograde orbit, meaning it orbits in a direction counter to its host star's rotation.

Question:- Upon searching more on retrograde motion, I see that it is a mere effect of relative motion. So is it the same here that we see WASP-17b in retrograde motion because of our perspective? According to me, analogy doesn't fit here because almost all exoplanets will undergo retrograde motion from our point of view. So how and why does an exoplanet undergo retrograde motion?

It also has been predicted that this exoplanet will change its direction of revolution n future.

Question:- How is it possible for a planet to stop even for milli milli milli second. The centripetal force will become zero and its host star will immediately attract the planet.

Apart from this it has other characteristics like being 19 times in size of Jupiter but having just half the Jupiter mass! So light in weight, that it is categorized as a Pluffy planet.

  KOI-5Ab  –

Astronomers had initially given up on the KOI-5A system of stars due to its complicated behaviour. Thanks to NASA's second planet-hunting mission, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS, aided in untangling all evidence regarding KOI-5Ab. It was realized that the KOI-5-star system consists of three stars, two of which are twin stars and orbit each other every 30 years and the third one orbits these 2 with period of 400 years. The system hosts one known planet, called KOI-5Ab, a gas giant also termed as hot Jupiter, comprises Hydrogen and Helium gases in excess. We can see the reason why astronomers got confused. The transit method couldn't give accurate result due to presence of 3 stars in the system.


       Before moving to the most awaited exoplanets with habitable conditions, let me tell you some crucial environmental conditions required for the same. The most important of these is that the planet should be in the Goldilocks zone of its host star. This zone is a constant distant from the star that enables liquid water presence, which otherwise will evaporate being too close or freeze being too far from the goldilocks zone.

Interesting fact:- There can be ice even when the exoplanet is between the star and goldilocks zone. This is possible only if the gravitational pull of the planet is very large, which doesn’t let water evaporate and thus leads to ice formation. Yes, ice. But if you even try to touch this ice, you might burn severely! Such form of ice has been found in Gliese 436 b and is called ice-10.

However that is not the only condition. Another fact is that out of the 4,341 exoplanets discovered, very few have been identified as exoplanets in the goldilocks zone. Well, that doesn't end up here. Out of these a few have one face always towards its host star and a few others are smaller version of Neptune rather than a larger version of Earth and thus contain excess amount of hydrogen in their atmosphere (for eg. K2-18b, which was initially widely declared to be as habitable zone due to presence of water, which later was proved wrong). Also, since most of these exoplanets have Red dwarf stars as their host stars, they being highly active radiate large amount of UV rays, which again is unfavourable for humans to live. So, let's have a look at those very few in which possibly humans can live… or in other words, Aliens could be living or maybe our ancestors could go (that's only possible if Einstein is proven wrong about nothing moving faster than light and thus, we find a space machine)!


7.                                                                                                                          Kepler 186-f  -

Nicknamed "Earth's cousin", Kepler 186-f was declared as a potentially habitable zone in 2014, after findings of the same by Kepler telescope. It also has a tilt from vertical similar to that of Earth. Also, presence of rocky structure has been detected. Thus, we have declared that life is highly possible there. However, since we don't have technologies to dive deep into details of such planets located so far, we can't say anything about presence of life there.


                                                                                                              Kepler- 1649c  

The funniest fact about this planet is that it was found coincidently! Yes. When looking through old observations from Kepler, scientists discovered this planet, which the agency retired in 2018. While previous searches with a computer algorithm misidentified it, researchers reviewing Kepler data took a second look at the signature and recognized it as a planet. Out of all the exoplanets found by Kepler, this distant world – located 300 light-years from Earth – is similar to Earth in size and estimated temperature. It is 300 light years away from Earth, is about 1.06 times larger than Earth and receives 75% of light compared to what Earth receives from sun. This makes favourable environment for existence of life.



                               Similarly, there are a more exoplanets, habitable for human beings known to us till date. However just like stars, the entire universe is filled with planets as well. Along with the Kepler telescope, Hubble Space telescope, Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), Convection, Rotation and planetary Transits telescope and many more aided towards discovering exoplanets. Well, names of most of the stars are kept on the basis of the telescope that found them! Let me tell you another fun fact,

Fun fact:- The entire universe is believed to be formed from matter and antimatter. All the planets and stars and their compositions that we see are made up of matter. So where is all the antimatter gone? Well, that remains a question till date though scientists have created antimatter but in very very meagre quantities. So there is a hypothesis that there could be an anti-world just like ours which we can’t see. But yes, remember one thing, if you ever meet your anti-you, or two planets and anti-planet meet, in one tiny glimpse both would vanish!

        Gradually our quest is being satisfied and we are getting more and more information about such planets. It is a huge achievement of all the scientists to reach such a stage. I remind you, that the habitable zones that we are in search of are for us human beings. However, we never know about an altogether different race which requires different conditions to survive! Yes, there could be aliens in one of the exoplanets we declared to be inhabitable for us humans! Maybe they breathe hydrogen (or maybe breathing is simply not a basic necessity there), or silicon could serve as the fundamental element instead of carbon… Really, anything can happen. Our main focus yet remains to get deep into the planets we have characterized as habitable, and know if – “Are we humans alone in this Universe?”


Hope you liked the content, the probing questions and the interesting facts. Do leave your answers as well as feedbacks in the comment box and stay tuned for more such articles from topics ranging from history to technology to design! Thank you.






Are we Humans alone in the Universe?

  EXO-PLANETS Are we Humans alone in the Universe?                            We human beings have been wondering for centuries – Do w...